PHOTO UPDATE: Repairing TSHD DC Ostend in Poland
Group De Cloedt said that the trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) DC Ostend is currently at Szczecińska Stocznia Remontowa ‘Gryfia’ shipyard in Poland.

Group De Cloedt owns six sea-going trailing suction hopper dredgers and two river-going suction hopper dredgers.

Vessel specifications:
Type: Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (T.S.H.D.)
Hopper capacity: 2794 m³
Owner: Interballast bv / Group De Cloedt nv
Shipyard: De Merwede, The Netherlands
Year of construction: 1990
Rebuilding: 2016
Flag: The Netherlands
Harbour of registration: Breskens