Puerto Rico hosts San Juan Harbor Improvement Project PPA ceremony


The Goverment of Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico Port Authority hosted a Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) Signing ceremony for the San Juan Harbor Improvement Project yesterday.


The signing of the PPA marks a significant milestone that marks the way ahead, helping the harbor which currently experiences known shipping inefficiencies due to limited channel width and depth and navigation restrictions.

USACE photo

Existing cargo shippers experience increased operation costs due to light loading, vessel size limitations, and congestion delays.

Cruise vessel operators experience increased in-port maneuvering costs due to channel and turning basin width and depth constraints. Bulk fuel importers, experience increased operation costs due to vessel size limitations.

This project will allow larger fuel vessels, larger cruise ships and larger ships transporting goods to enter the harbor and as a result it will lower costs while helping Puerto Rico’s economy.

The recommended plan includes widening and deepening the inner harbor channels that lead to cruise ship and petroleum terminal operators.

The Governor Puerto Rico Pedro R. Pierluisi, Assistant Secretary of the Army Hon. Michael L. Connor, Puerto Rico Port Authority Director Joel A. Pizá-Batiz and U.S. Congresswoman Puerto Rico Jenniffer González Colón praised the great collaboration the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has with the Goverment of P.R. and and all stakeholders.