USACE to host public open house for $703M Freeport Project
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District will next week hold a public meeting about the $703-million Freeport Project.

The meeting – taking place at the Lake Jackson Civic Center Thursday, February 2 – will include an overview of the Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay (S2G) Program and the status of the $703-million Freeport Project with details on construction contract status and the project’s path forward.
The Freeport Project is one of three projects included in the S2G Program. The Freeport Project focuses on improvements to the existing Hurricane Flood Protection Project (HFPP) that was authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1962 and protects the area from coastal storm surge events from the Gulf of Mexico.
The project is being designed to reduce the risk of flooding from coastal storm surge, while not increasing the impacts from local rainfall flood events within the Freeport area. To provide an increased level of protection in the area over the next 50 years, the Freeport Project will include:
- The raising of approximately 13 miles of existing levees;
- The addition or reconstruction of approximately 6 miles of floodwall, including tie-in structures and road closure gates;
- The addition of a navigable lift gate and a drainage structure on the Dow Barge Canal;
- Upgrades to an existing pump station.