USACE proposes maintenance dredging of the Arthur Kill Channel
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District is working on a project that will see Arthur Kill Federal Navigation Channel dredged to a depth of -50 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) plus 1 foot of allowable over-depth.

According to the Corps, the proposed maintenance dredging of the New York and New Jersey Harbor – Arthur Kill 50 foot reach project would remove approximately 125,000 cubic yards (CY) of material from the critical shoal area.
The dredged material is to be dredged and subsequently placed at a suitable, contractor provided, state permitted upland placement site. The dredged material is expected to consist primarily of silt and clay.
Based on the past dredging projects within the New York Harbor, and anticipated restrictions found in the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Water Quality Certificate, the proposed work can only be performed by utilizing a mechanical clamshell dredge with environmental bucket.
Additionally, tug-boats, sealed hull barges and survey vessels will be needed to perform the work during the dredging, transport, processing and placement activities.
The proposed work is anticipated to take place in the summer/fall of 2023, at the cost ranging from $10,000,000 and $25,000,000.