Willoughby Channel dredging project on the way

Project & Tenders

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District is working on a future Willoughby Channel dredging project in Norfolk, Virginia.


According to the Corps, USACE is seeking qualified and experienced firms capable of performing approximately 65,000 to 80,000 cubic yards of maintenance dredging from the Willoughby Channel Federal Navigation Project (Federal Project).

Overall, the project calls for dredging of sands within the full 300-foot-wide channel area and a portion of the 200-foot-wide channel at the north entrance of the channel, and dredging of shoaled areas along the northern edge of the 200-foot-wide portion of the channel.

Dredged material from the Federal Project will be placed within the Craney Island Rehandling Basin (CIRB) in Portsmouth, VA.

USACE also added that the dredging must be performed by mechanical dredge with bottom dump barge/scow; if the option is exercised, the barge/scow must have pump-out capabilities for placement onto the beach at Willoughby Spit, East Beach or into the cells at CIDMMA.