Damen introduces the first cabin of its new CSD range

Research & Development

Damen has just introduced the first cabin of its new Cutter Suction Dredger (CSD) range.


A new design becomes quite real when they start finishing up components, the company said.

Damen photo

“This beauty makes sure you dredge in comfort and style. She comes with air-conditioning and sound-absorbing isolation,” Damen said.

Also, there’s glass all around which makes for a clear line of sight. 

Damen photo

The new series is made up of three smaller models; the CSD300, CSD400 and CSD450, two medium models; the CSD500 and CSD600, and the largest one, the monohull CSD700.

The CSD600 bridges the gap between the CSD500 and CSD700, bringing a new class to the market.

Production will take place in stages, starting with the CSD600, which is already being built.

Over the next two years, it will be followed by the CSD450, CSD400, CSD500, CSD700 and finally the CSD300.