Laguna Reserve dredging rescheduled for December


The City of Port Lincoln, SA, will be undertaking maintenance dredging along the beach adjacent to the Laguna Reserve in December.

The city has engaged Maritime Constructions to:

  • Move sand from the northern end of the beach to replenish the southern side,
  • Dig out a pit,
  • Pump silt over the groyne into the pit,
  • Reshape beach. photo

Sub-Contractor, Darren Tressider, will be on site from early December 2022 to undertake this work.

Completion of dredging will be dependent on the amount of work required, weather delays and operating restrictions.

Also, dredging works will be undertaken during the day and will be done using a dredge pump on a small pontoon positioned within the dredge area at the site.

Boats in the area are advised to use caution and to maintain a 4-knot speed limit and a distance of 20m from the work area/dredge, the city said.