Hannibal marina boat ramp closes, dredging underway


The Hannibal marina boat ramp will be closed this week so Hannibal Parks and Recreation personnel can dredge without interruption.

Hannibal Parks and Recreation

The ramp will reopen Friday night on October 7, but it will close again on Monday, October 10, if more dredging is needed.

Hannibal Parks and Recreation photo

Ellicott Dredge Technologies is training HPR personnel to operate a Mud Cat MC 115D Dredge this week.

The dredge, recently purchased from Ellicott by HPR, vacuums up the unwanted sediment and debris and pumps it to a dredge pit south of the marina.

“Once it all dries out, we’ll be able to go in and we’ll be able to dig that back out and that’s good fertile top soil then that we can use throughout the park system and throughout the city as a whole, not just the parks department but other city departments,” said Maintenance Supervisor for Hannibal Parks and Recreation, Chad Hatton.