Miami Beach renourishment program in full swing


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Miami Beach renourishment program is moving forward according to schedule.


The Miami Beach renourishment team added another 13,000 cubic yards of sand to the beach as progress continues north of Allison Park, said USACE in its latest project update.

That brings the total sand placement to more than 150,000 cubic yards to date along this section of critically eroded shoreline. 

USACE photo

Under the plan, around 835,000 cubic yards of beach-quality sand will be placed on approximately 11,400 feet of critically eroded shoreline to widen the beach to approximately 90 feet on various segments along the Miami Beach.

The project provides coastal storm risk management, including beach erosion control and hurricane surge protection.

Beach renourishment projects protect infrastructure, preserve wildlife, support the economy, and build coastal resiliency.

The project is expected to be completed by Spring 2023.