Marsh Lake project completion ceremony set for tomorrow
The USACE St. Paul District, the Minnesota DNR and the Upper Minnesota River Watershed District will celebrate the completion of the Marsh Lake environmental enhancement project with a ribbon cutting ceremony on July 14.

The Marsh Lake project involves habitat enhancement by improving conditions for waterfowl and fish in the area.
The work includes rerouting the Pomme de Terre River to its historic channel and constructing a drawdown structure and a fish passage at the Marsh Lake Dam.
At less than 5 percent of the average cost for a habitat restoration project of this size, this project is expected to provide significant returns in environmental and habitat enhancement benefits.
The total cost was $13.4 million.
The ceremony will be held at Marsh Lake Dam, off 255th Ave SW, southwest of Appleton, Minnesota, and will feature speakers from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Upper Minnesota River Watershed District and others.