Muddy River dredging continues

Operations & Maintenance

Work continues on Phase 2 of the $36.5 million Muddy River flood mitigation project, which includes dredging of sediment to improve the hydraulic capacity of the river and reduce flood levels.


Phase 2 of the Muddy River project is located between Leverett Pond to Boylston Street in Boston and Brookline. The major project components involve dredging 1 to 8’ of sediment for flow conveyance in the Back Bay Fens and the Riverway sections of the Muddy River, and excavation of the sandbar and island at Leverett Pond.

The dredging is divided into 12 work areas, with 6 work areas upstream of the Riverway and 6 work areas downstream of Ave. Louis Pasteur. At this time, the contractor is dredging in Work Area #6.

Work Areas #5 and #6 include sections of the river by Short Street Bridge to Back Bay Yard – near the intersection of Park Drive and Riverway.

According to the Corps, approximately 85% of the dredging has been completed so far, and restoration efforts of the streambanks are also in full swing.

USACE added that almost half of the sediment dredged from Muddy River is being shipped to a landfill reclamation project being used to restore and preserve the historic waterfront in Lynn, MA.