Jan De Nul’s WID Pancho ready for its maiden dredging project


Jan De Nul’s new water injection dredger (WID) Pancho is currently in Latin America, getting ready for its first dredging task.

Neptune Marine

“Thanks to an excellent cooperation between Jan De Nul Group and Neptune Marine, the water injection dredger Pancho has arrived in Argentina almost one year after the contract was signed,” according to Neptune.

The WID Pancho is now ready for her maiden project, said Neptune.

Neptune photo

The Jan De Nul Group’s new dredger was launched in February at the Neptune Marine shipyard, near Dordrecht, the Netherlands.

The godmother of the vessel, Mrs. Sabrina Fontana Unzueta, partner of Mr. Pieter Jan De Nul, christened the vessel and wished it good luck and a good journey.

The design of this new build vessel is based on an existing vessel design from Neptune’s workboat portfolio.