Cabbage Tree Creek dredging near completion

Operations & Maintenance

Transport and Main Roads Queensland ‘s dredging of Cabbage Tree Creek is nearing completion, with the project two thirds complete.

Stirling Hinchliffe MP

According to Stirling Hinchliffe MP, this is a project which will see approximately 45,000 square metres of sediment removed and deposited at the approved off-shore Mud Island disposal area.

“This is great news as the extra depth will provide safe passage for boaters in and out of the creek’s mouth,” said Hinchliffe.

Due to the significant sand deposition and shoaling, works were needed to maintain safe navigation within the waterway.

According to the officials, this waterway is the primary route for vessels travelling between the northern and southern areas of Moreton Bay, and it is therefore important to maintain navigable depths under all tidal conditions.