Major boost for New Haven Harbor dredging project

Business & Finance

Among the many projects in the multi-billion-dollar Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), one in particular will play key role in securing efficient and safe navigation and marine commerce in New Haven Harbor, Connecticut.


The Corps plan under IIJA includes $63 million for the New Haven Harbor Deepening Project, allowing the start of design efforts and moving directly into construction to completion.

Deeper and wider channels, maneuvering area, and turning basin are needed to increase the navigation efficiency and safety of New Haven Harbor.

To reach the terminals, larger ships now must lighter outside the breakwaters and/or experience delays while waiting for favorable tide conditions, or both.

The $63 million funding will go towards dredging of the main ship channel, maneuvering area, and turning basin to – 40 feet mean lower low water (MLLW) and widening the main channel and turning basin to allow larger vessels to efficiently access the Port of New Haven’s terminals.

According to the Corps, the dredging is estimated to remove approx. 4.28 million cubic yards of predominately glacially deposited silts from the Federal channel. Additionally, approximately 43,500 cubic yards of rock will need to be blasted and removed from the channel.