Mike Hooks takes delivery of new idler barge
SPI/Mobile Pulley Works has delivered a brand-new Idler Barge to Mike Hooks LLC.

The idler barge, fabricated at SWSLP Shipyard in Galveston and equipped with SPI Mobile Pulley Works spud installation, will be connected to the cutter suction dredger (CSD) Missouri H., and will be starting operation in Gulfport, Mississippi, in the following weeks.
The idler barge is set to increase the production with approximately 25% compare to the fixed spud system. All the movements are hydraulicly driven, the spud can be fully controlled from the lever room and is a one-man operation.

The idler barge is the first upgrade and innovating of Mike Hooks current fleet. The idler barge can be connected as well to the under-construction state of the art 27-inch cutter suction dredger.
This dredger will be delivered by SPI/Mobile Pulley Work in the second quarter of 2022.
Mike Hooks LLC, family owned and operated since 1945, is providing dredging services for government and private marine construction contractors.
SPI/Mobile Pulley Works is a supplier of dredges, complete dredging installations for both CSD and TSHD, large fabrications, castings, and machined parts for the dredging industry.