Redwood City Harbor dredging completed ahead of schedule
Curtin Maritime of Long Beach, California, recently completed a $7.9 million maintenance dredging project in Redwood City Harbor.
The Corps is responsible for dredging the Port of Redwood City’s shipping lanes, and in September Curtin Maritime completed, ahead of schedule, maintenance dredging of this federal channel to 30-ft plus 1.5-ft of paid overdepth, reported USACE.
During the works, Curtin transported some of the dredge material to the government-furnished site SF-11 and to the Contractor-furnished beneficial reuse upland site.
Redwood City Harbor is a mid-use, deep-draft harbor on San Francisco Bay in the County of San Mateo. The project consisted of San Bruno Shoal Channel, an entrance channel, outer channel, inner channel, and two turning basins.
Dredging is a routine necessity to keep these waterways open because otherwise sand and silt that is washed downstream gradually fills the channel. This project will allow ships of all types safe passage throughout the harbor.