Dinish Wharf project progresses nicely

Business development

Sorensen Civil Engineering continues to make great progress on the refurbishment of Dinish Wharf in Castletownbere, Ireland.


The project scope includes extension of the quay wall, construction of breakwater cells, dredging of the navigation channel and berth pocket along with all associated ancillary works.

In their latest update, Sorensen reported that the piling works on cell 3 which forms part of the eastern breakwater is nearing completion. The cell is 17.3m in diameter and requires 108 flat piles to be installed to form its circumference.

The RC bank seat of the extension for the quay deck has also been completed with works on the steel piles ready to commence in preparation for the delivery of precast units, the company added.

At the same time Foyle and Marine Dredging continues to carry out dredging works in the basin and will move into the navigation channel and berth pocket in the coming weeks.

Once fully complete the project will double the workable quay space on Dinish Island and will deliver approximately 2.2 acres of highly usable reclaimed quay storage area, two new major breakwaters at the entrance to the harbour, as well as wider and deeper navigation channel.