Siport21, Jan De Nul: Improving Buenaventura access channel

Business development

Siport21 engineers, in collaboration with the dredging company Jan de Nul, have presented the studies for improving the access channel of Port of Buenaventura, Colombia.


On Jan de Nul request, Siport21 has carried out ship manoeuvring simulation studies to assess and optimize the basic design of the port’s access channel.

Nowadays, the access of the vessels is restricted and limited depending on the water level. It makes it impossible for large container vessels to access with their maximum draft.

The objective of this project was to assess and adapt the dimensions of the channel to expand the operational limits.

Finally, the design of the channel will increase the operability of the waterway, improve the traffic flow and maritime safety.

Siport21 photo

Siport21 has developed the project in several stages. In the first phase, a fast-time numerical autopilot model was applied. This software allowed to adapt and optimize the conceptual design and identify critical points, together with operational conditions of the channel, which required a detailed assessment.

In the second phase, Siport21 developed real-time ship manoeuvring to validate the preliminary design of the channel and evaluate the critical areas.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions, Jan de Nul technical team, Buenaventura Pilots and Authorities could follow the simulation sessions through the live streaming system, developed by the company.

In the last phase, a maritime traffic flow assessment was carried out using Siflow21 software, developed in house.

This study has been based on an exhaustive analysis of the channel traffic, including crossing areas, AIS data and nautical risks.

The results of this project have allowed to quantify the influence of modifications in the navigation area and operational guidelines related to waiting times, access traffic flow and safety indices.