Damen delivers fully electric zero emission dredger


Damen Shipyards Group has successfully delivered another state-of-the-art dredge package, this time to a client in Egypt.


According to Bastin Kubbe, Damen’s Regional Service Manager for Asia-Pacific, this fully electric zero emission dredger (E-CSD650) is now on its way to the inland Egyptian Black Sand mining site.

The E-CSD650 modular dredger was transported from Rotterdam to Alexandria and then towed to Al Burj for hauling operation.

The 62m dredger was pulled to shore on air bags and then disassembled to be transported and reassembled at the mining site.

The 530-tons dredger is part of a mega mining project by Egyptian Black Sand Company to extract black sand from the mining site.

The product spec sheet says that the vessel has been designed to dredge at -18m and to pump some 7.000m³/h of mixture.