Forum on Nauset Estuary dredging tomorrow


The Towns of Orleans and Eastham, MA, have scheduled a citizens forum to discuss the Nauset Estuary Dredging Project (NEDP) and the Expanded Environmental Notification Form (EENF) for this project.

Nauset Heights Association

Over more than 600 pages, the EENF describes the studies completed in contemplation of dredging, alternatives considered, the scope of the proposed dredging project, the dredging methods that will be used, how the dredge spoils will be handled, the lengthy permitting process for the project, and the potential environmental impacts of the project.

The forum will be held will be held on June 22, at the Orleans Town Hall.

A second citizens forum will take place on June 29 at 6 pm with the same arrangements, the towns said.

The second forum will focus on the proposed dewatering/disposal area in Orleans north of the Nauset Town Beach.

A portion of the dredged material will be piped to this location and used to create a sand dune to provide resiliency against future erosion.