New dredging contracts for GLDD
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation (GLDD) announced yesterday the receipt of several major dredging awards totaling $112.8 million.

The awarded work includes:
- Mobile Harbor Navigation-Phase 3 Project (Capital, Alabama, $53.9 million);
- Golden Triangle Marsh Creation Project (Capital, Louisiana, $32.4 million);
- Captiva Island Beach Renourishment Project (Coastal Protection, Florida, $15.6 million);
- Vicinity of McKellar Lake Harbor Dredging Project (Maintenance, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, $7.6 million);
- Jacksonville Harbor Maintenance Dredging Project (Maintenance, Florida, $3.3 million).
The Mobile Harbor Phase 3 Navigation project consists of deepening and widening portions of the Lower Bay Channel located South of Gaillard Island and North of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. This project is a critical step toward realizing the port’s ability to accommodate the larger ships serving the world’s major trade lanes, while improving vessel transit efficiencies and safety in the port. The client on this project is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, and is federally funded. Work is expected to commence in the second quarter of 2021 with anticipated completion in the fourth quarter of 2021.
The Golden Triangle Marsh Creation Project entails constructing berms and placing dredge material to create marsh land. The overall objective of this project is to restore and protect wetland, fish, and wildlife habitat and help maintain the lands integrity and assist the surrounding communities to become more resilient to storm surges. The Golden Triangle is a narrow band of marsh directly east of New Orleans between Lake Borgne and the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. The client on this project is the State of Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) and is funded by the state. Work is expected to commence in July of 2021 with anticipated completion in the second quarter of 2022.
The Captiva Island Beach Renourishment Project entails placement of sand to improve and reinforce 5 miles of beach along Captiva Island. This project will help protect and strengthen the island’s shoreline. Great Lakes previously worked on renourishment of the beach in 2013. The client on this project is the Captiva Erosion Prevention District and is privately funded. Work is expected to start in the third quarter with anticipated completion in October of 2021.
The Vicinity of McKellar Lake Harbor Dredging Project consists of dredging of various harbors along the Mississippi River to maintain proper channel and harbor depth to allow barges to transport goods. The client on this project is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Memphis District, and is federally funded. This is the first Task Order of this project. There are two more estimated Task Orders for $16.4 million open for potential awards to Great Lakes in the next two years. Work is expected to begin in July of 2021 with anticipated completion in the fourth quarter of 2021.
The Jacksonville Harbor Maintenance Dredging Project involves dredging of the Lower Terminal Channel of the Jacksonville Harbor in Duval County, Florida. The client on this project is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, and is federally funded. Work is expected to commence and complete in May of 2021.