WEDA’s webinar – Emerging technologies in reservoir dredging

Business development

Next week, Western Dredging Association (WEDA) will hold their next webinar, Reservoir Sediment Dredging for Long-Term Management on Wednesday, May 12, 2021, from 1 to 3 PM EST.


During this webinar, WEDA, the Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and HeroX will present an update on the WEDA and WODA working groups on reservoir dredging and five emerging technologies for reservoir sediment removal.

The five emerging technologies are Phase 1 winners of Reclamation and USACE’s “Guardians of the Reservoir Challenge”.

Phase 1 Winning Teams that will be presenting:

  • Wing Marine offers an innovative system for the management of reservoir sediment that will extract over 4,000 cubic yards of sediment a day, work at depths below 100 ft, operate in areas containing debris, and be road-mobile to access remote work locations. Environmentally, it will not entrain sediment into the water column.
  • The 3 D Dredger™ is a fully autonomous dredging system designed to handle any sediment and larger debris using three dredging attachments. The system is designed for deployment in any environment, without impacting operation nor recreation.
  • The Air Bubble Suction Pipe with Water Recirculation uses recycled cloudy water combined with compressed air to produce an air bubble-driven pumping system to raise sediment from reservoirs into a barge or other collection area.
  • The D-Sediment team has been active in sediment consulting and removal systems for several years. They developed the SediMover technology as an autonomous vessel for efficient 24/7 sediment transfer from reservoirs. The patented and scalable, modular technology can be used for downstream rivers sediment continuity or sediment land processing.
  • Mazdak International Inc, is developing a new technology based on 3 steps: (1) a deep dredging slurry piston pump engine, (2) dewatering sediments in settling ponds, and (3) hydraulic capsule pipelines to transport dewatered sediments in dry or semi-dry form.

The facilitator of the webinar will be Kathryn Thomas, Vice President, ANAMAR Environmental Consulting, Inc.