J.E. McAmis crew busy at MCR South Jetty

Business development

J.E. McAmis dredge crews and land crews worked together yesterday to get the barge landing facility at the MCR South Jetty ready to receive the first barge load of rock for 2021.

Aaron Anderson

The first barge load of jetty stone will be arriving this Sunday.

Aaron Anderson photo

The Corps constructed the Mouth of the Columbia River jetty system between 1885 and 1939. The system consists of three rubble-mound jetties: North Jetty, South Jetty and Jetty A.

The jetties, which together total 9.7 miles in length, minimize navigation channel maintenance and make passage safer for vessels transiting between the Pacific Ocean and the Columbia River.

Both north and south jetties recently required critical repairs to ensure their continued function until the implementation of the Mouth of the Columbia River Jetty System Major Rehabilitation Project, which provides a long term repair and maintenance plan for the jetty system.