Kayakers support hunger strike to stop dredging


Sunday marked the 19th day of Diane Wilson‘s hunger strike against the export of crude oil, reports Crossroads Today.

Hunger Strike to Stop the Dredging and Stop Oil Exports

Also, a kayak flotilla launch took place around 9:30 a.m. Sunday in support of Wilson.

Wilson and several other fishermen and women in the area are showing their concerns about the release of methyl-mercury into the water that would occur if dredging deepens and widens in the area. 

“There’s a lot of local opposition,” Wilson said. “Yesterday we had a big meeting with local fishermen and they immediately started a petition in opposition to this.” 

The dredging work, which has not begun, would allow for the construction and operation of a new crude oil export terminal proposed by oil company Max Midstream.

In fact, the project would be a joint effort of the Port of Calhoun, oil company Max Midstream, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, aiming to turn the Port into an “oil exportation hub” for crude fracked from the Permian Basin.