Honolulu Harbor dredging underway


Utilizing a joint partnership with the State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, Harbors Division USACE is currently conducting maintenance dredging throughout Honolulu Harbor.


Led by Civil Works Operations & Maintenance program manager Nani Shimabuku, along with technical branch team members Jessica Podoski, Regional Technical Specialist in Coastal Engineering, Civil Engineer Randy Mita, Construction Inspection Technician Steve Takeguchi, and Resident Engineer Anton Klein, recently toured night operations for the District’s Honolulu Harbor dredging project.

USACE photo

According to USACE, a mechanical clamshell is being used in specified areas within the federal limits of the harbor.

In fact, most of the work is being done at night to minimize shipping closure impacts.

Dredging is expected to be completed in November 2021.

Dredging is necessary to ensure the continued navigability of the harbor, USACE said. Also, the dredged material is being disposed of in accordance with EPA regulations.