Labor Leader highlights importance of Tamar River estuary


A Majority Labor Government will commit $8 million to improving the health of the Tamar River estuary to encourage more locals, tourists and native species back to the river, Tasmanian Labor reports.

Friends of Upper Tamar River Estuary

Labor Leader, Rebecca White, said that $4 million would be committed to restoring the natural and aesthetic values of the upper Tamar estuary and improving recreational and tourist access to the foreshore.

“The Tamar River is a special place for many people. It is a gathering place for locals and tourists and provides many opportunities for recreational and sporting activities,” Ms White said.

“The upper Tamar estuary is an internationally-recognised important bird area so our plan to revegetate the mudflats will not only improve the overall health of the estuary, but also help restore habitat and attract many birds and other native species back.”

Labor will also match the Liberal Government’s commitment to provide $4 million dollars for targeted dredging in the upper estuary.

“It was disappointing to see the Liberals pre-empting the Tamar Estuary Management Taskforce scientific report into sedimentation management options,” Ms White said.

“Labor would wait for the release of this report before undertaking any dredging. We understand that dredging is only a short term solution and once you start the process, it needs to be continued to have any real impact.

“Dredging also brings other complex issues like how to deal with the contaminated waste taken out of the river through the dredging process which takes up space in landfill.

“Tasmanian Labor wants to see a long term solution to sedimentation in the Tamar and that is why we must wait for the TEMT report and examine all options carefully,” concluded Labor Leader, Rebecca White.