McGregor Lake rehabilitation project includes dredging


Years ago, aquatic vegetation was abundant in Pool 10 of the Upper Mississippi River (McGregor Lake) and served as important cover and food for young fish and migratory birds.

USACE photo

“Over time, erosion and sedimentation have significantly reduced vegetation and water depth, resulting in a loss of habitat for many species,” the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ St. Paul District said.

Through dredging and island reconstruction, the Upper Mississippi River McGregor Lake Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project is working to reverse these changes.

USACE photo

Increased aquatic vegetation would provide cover and food for young fish, USACE said.

Project features will be considered not only for McGregor Lake, but also for island and slough habitat that forms the entire complex between the main channel and east channel.

About the project

McGregor Lake is a 200-acre backwater lake in Pool 10 of the Mississippi River near Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin.

It is bordered on the west by islands separating it from the main channel and on the east by a peninsula separating it from the east channel.

The lake lies within the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge. It is relatively shallow, with an average depth of 2½ feet.