LEH poll: Residents in favor of dredging Mystic Island West


The Mayor and Township Committee of Little Egg Harbor have announced results of recent public hearings and the poll regarding potential dredging project referred to as Mystic Island West Phase 1.

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The information shared publicly on April 6 was regarding a certified mail survey that was sent to 1341 property owners. 

The results included 771 responses that were received back to the Township.

Also, with 527 non-responsive properties, 39 mailings returned by post office as undeliverable and 4 responses that had no response either positive or negative towards the project.

Poll came down to a result which had 55 more people favoring the dredging. Total included 413 in favor and 358 not in favor, the Township said.

Little Egg Harbor officials will now begin the process of authorizing the project and obtaining approvals from the Department of Community Affairs, as well as the Local Finance Board for the assessment of the project.