Busy winter season for Jenkins Marine
Jenkins Marine Ltd of Poole, UK, has experienced a very busy winter 2020 dredging season and is now getting ready for their next assignment, the Isle of Wight scheme.

According to the company, they kicked off the season early in November from their home port of Poole, headed for Southampton, River Hamble and then ventured west up to Chichester Harbour and are imminently on their way to the Isle of Wight to continue on for the next few months.
With their capable fleet for marina dredging operations, the company has been actively working with the 30m x 9m backhoe dredger ‘Doreen Dorward’ to support marinas on the South Coast.
“Along with our main backhoe dredging vessel we complement the dredging operations with both of our 300m³ capacity Self Propelled Split Hopper Barges; ‘Nab’ and ‘Needles’, or with our 150m³ capacity split barge, ‘Hurst’,” said Jenkins Marine in the release.
So far this season, Jenkins Marine has dredged over 30,000m³ of material from various project locations. “We are on course to increase this even further as we progress into 2021,” the company added.
Going forward onto the Isle of Wight, Jenkins Marine recently finished preparations for the arrival of the team into Cowes in order to get things underway for the start of the next phase with the anticipation of continuing onto further operations.
The sites to be dredged in the Cowes Harbour include:
- UKSA River Medina site (maintenance dredging);
- Cowes Harbour Shepards Marina site (maintenance dredging);
- Area immediately around Number 1 Fairway Buoy (maintenance dredging);
- Wight Shipyards Hoist Basin (construction of a larger capacity hoist dock).
Many of these dredge sites will have tidal working operations and require teams to operate 24/7 when the tides and weather conditions are favourable to get an efficient return for the project.