Congresswoman Brownley: $6.3M for Hueneme and Ventura dredging


California Congresswoman Julia Brownley has announced $6.3 million in federal funding for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects for the Port of Hueneme and Ventura Harbor.

Port of Hueneme

The U.S. Army Corps’ FY2021 Work Plan includes funds for the annual dredging of Ventura Harbor.

The work plan also allocates “donor port” funds for the Port of Hueneme, pursuant to legislation Congresswoman Brownley spearheaded in 2016.

“One of my top priorities in Congress is fighting for the economic vitality of our region,” said Congresswoman Julia Brownley. 

“I am pleased our efforts to increase funding for local ports and harbors continue to benefit our region. Ensuring our water-side infrastructure is properly maintained and our channels are dredged to the appropriate depths will ensure our ports and harbors can continue to operate, helping to fuel our economy and keeping jobs in our region. Infrastructure investment is always critical for our economy, but especially so during this time.”

Ventura Harbor 

The FY2021 Army Corps’ work plan includes $6,245,000 for Ventura Harbor to support this year’s annual dredge.

This amount reflects an increase of $1.45 million above the amount originally included in the Army Corps’ budget proposal.

Port of Hueneme

The Army Corps’ work plan also provided $140,000 in “donor port” funds for the Port of Hueneme.

Donor ports contribute far more to the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund than they receive back for dredging and maintenance.