Royal IHC launches Oretol’s new dredger


This morning Royal IHC launched the IHC Beaver® 65DDSP, called OREOLUWA, for the Nigerian customer Oretol Nigeria Ltd.

Royal IHC

The vessel, which will be delivered in combination with a booster station and discharge pipelines, will now be further outfitted at the quayside of IHC yard in Kinderdijk and it will soon be ready for transport.

This powerful Beaver® 65 DDSP is the largest of IHC’s standard series of CSDs and offers the highest volume of production at the lowest cost.

With an increased dredging depth of 25 metres and the ability to pump soil over great distances, the vessel will be a powerful addition to Oretol’s dredging fleet.

Combined with the booster station, it will ensure that Oretol can work efficiently on land reclamation projects to the benefit of its real estate business.

Launching of the Oretol’s new dredger, the OREOLUWA

After delivery this spring, Oretol will deploy the OREOLUWA on various sand excavation and land reclamation projects, with a view to developing real estate in the Lagos Lagoon.