Port of Mackay maintenance dredging at halfway point


North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation announced recently that they have reached the half-way point for the maintenance dredging at the Port of Mackay.


Maintenance dredging at the Port of Mackay last occurred in 2013. Since then, NQBP has managed siltation through regular bed-levelling.

But, recent surveys showed increased siltation that now requires maintenance dredging.

NQBP engaged the Port of Brisbane to undertake this maintenance dredging project by using their trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) Brisbane, supported by a bed leveller and survey vessel.

The proposed dredging volume is approximately 120,000m3 to 140,000m3. The sediment taken during the works will be relocated to the approved Dredge Material Placement Area, approximately 2km from the Port east of Slade Island.

If all goes according to plan, TSHD Brisbane will complete this maintenance dredging project by the end of December.