Dredging underway on Condé-Pommeroeul Canal


DEME Group today released this beautiful and tranquil photo that might look peaceful, but make no mistake, this area has seen a lot of activity in 2020.


The photo is taken along the Condé-Pommeroeul Canal and is actually the largest inland waterway dredging project in France.

DEME photo

“Ecoterres, one of our specialist environmental companies, is performing a multi-year project which will ultimately lead to the reopening of a 6 km section of the canal between the Belgian border and the city of Condé in Northern France,” DEME said.

Following rapid siltation between the lock of Hensies and the Grand Large de Fresnes, the waterway was closed for navigation in 1992.

A plan to restore this canal was initiated in 2016, including investment of EUR63 million.

This work will continue until the canal is put back into navigation, scheduled for the end of 2022.