Oretol Nigeria opts for Royal IHC Beaver dredge


Royal IHC has just announced the sale of a Beaver® 65 DDSP alongside a DMC 1450 workboat, booster station and discharge piping to Oretol Nigeria Ltd.


As reported by IHC, the cutter suction dredger and additional equipment will be delivered within four months.

The equipment will be used on various sand excavation and land reclamation projects, with a view to developing real estate in the Lagos Lagoon. The Beaver® will be assembled at IHC’s yard in Kinderdijk, The Netherlands.

With a strong track record in dredging, Oretol Nigeria intends to upgrade its fleet and further professionalise its operation by partnering with IHC, the company said in the release.

“We are proud to have been awarded this contract by Oretol during these challeging times,” commented IHC’s Sales Manager, Bas Kockmann. “Oretol is a new customer to us, and we greatly appreciate the mutual respect between our two companies and the trust placed in the quality of our products.”

“ORETOL selected IHC based on the high levels of innovation and integrity it offered,” said ORETOL’s Executive Chairman Adewale Oladapo. “We were delighted by the sense of teamwork displayed by IHC and look forward to the end result.”

The powerful Beaver® 65 DDSP is the largest of IHC’s standard series of CSDs and offers the highest volume of production at the lowest cost. With an increased dredging depth of 25m and the ability to pump soil over great distances, the vessel will be a powerful addition to Oretol’s dredging fleet.

Combined with the booster station, it will ensure that Oretol can work efficiently on land reclamation projects to the benefit of its real estate business.