CEDA launches new online magazine

Business & Finance

Central Dredging Association has just announced the launch of a new online magazine – the CEDA Industry News (CIN).


“CEDA has always championed the professional development and success of those in dredging and associated fields,” the organization said. “An important part of what we do is to share technical knowledge, support effective working practices and encourage international networking.”

“As part of that, Dredging & Port Construction, was the official members’ publication for many years. When it ceased publication, this year, it gave us the chance to review how we keep members up to date with the wider industry news and our own activities,” added CEDA in the release.

The result is CEDA Industry News which is hosted in a new section on the CEDA website. It provides a monthly blend of dredging, ports and marine engineering news.

CIN is produced by the journalists at Intent Communications, under the editorial remit of the CEDA Communications Commission.