USACE to host two webinars on the Puerto Rico study

Authorities & Government

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District will host two public webinars for the Puerto Rico Coastal Study to present the draft Integrated Feasibility Report, Environmental Assessment, and Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact.


According to the Corps, the webinars will occur December 10 at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Puerto Rico time (9 a.m. and 3 p.m. EST). Both meetings will be presented simultaneously in English and Spanish.

The purpose of these webinars is to present and discuss the Tentatively Selected Plan of the Coastal Study.

The Puerto Rico Coastal Study is evaluating the feasibility of coastal storm risk management measures addressing potential storm damages to properties and infrastructure within the San Juan and Rincon focus areas of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico over a 50-year period of analysis.

A copy of the draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment is available to the public on the USACE study website.