PHOTO: Ryba dredging the Toledo Harbor

Business development

This Fall, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District contractor Ryba Marine Construction Co. is working to dredge the Toledo Harbor shipping channel.


The dredging is taking place from the Maumee River mouth, extending out into the Maumee Bay navigation channel.

The contractor is pumping the material into a confined disposal facility in Toledo, Ohio. This is different from last year’s dredging cycle and the open lake disposal.

Earlier this year, the Toledo-Lucas Port Authority announced that through the collaborative efforts and financial support of state, federal and local stakeholders, all dredged material will be taken into the upland placement facility. In 2020 no material will be placed into the open waters of Lake Erie, stated the officials.

Ryba Marine dredging Toledo Harbor/USACE photo

In total, maintaining the Toledo Harbor requires USACE to annually remove approximately 800,000 cubic yards of sediment from the navigational channel.