All set for Port of Blyth maintenance dredging


A Port of Blyth maintenance dredging program is set to begin on Sunday, November 8, the port said in their latest release. 

New Suction Dredger Thorsten Bolls

This maintenance dredging scheme will be conducted at the port approaches, main navigational channel and operational commercial berths.

Also, the Port of Blyth dredging project will include frequent trips to and from the spoil deposit ground approximately 3 miles ENE of the harbor East Pier and south bound past the wind turbine array.

Under this maintenance dredging work, the operations are going to be conducted over a 24 hour period by the trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) UKD Marlin and the tug/plough vessel Blyth Endeavour.

According to UK Dredging (UKD), the TSHD’s owner, the modern dredger designed for use in open sea and estuarial locations, UKD Marlin has the ability and maneuverability to dredge in confined locations such as enclosed docks.