CEDA-UK Online Dredging Seminar


The Central Dredging Association (CEDA) will tomorrow, October 23, hold a CEDA-UK Online Seminar: Future Considerations for the Ports and the Dredging Industry.


Ports are constantly expanding in order to accept larger vessels and the ever-increasing growth of the global shipping market.

As a respond to this, ports need capital dredging campaigns to widen and deepen shipping channels, as well as to provide access to new berths and port infrastructure.

There is also the increasing effort needed to maintain the navigational depths required to keep the shipping channels and berths open for use.

The dredging industry is facing numerous challenges to keep the ports open, whilst also minimising its impact on the environment.

This seminar considers some of the issues the dredging industry is facing, with a look to the future on how these are changing.

Speakers and presentations for the CEDA-UK Online Seminar will include:

  • Dr Jemma Lonsdale – Review of offshore disposal of dredged material;
  • Jan Brooke – Dredging and the environment: what’s on the horizon?

The Chair of the event is Jamie Gardiner from Royal HaskoningDHV, Chair of CEDA UK Committee.