Ecuador: TPG inaugurates port upgrades

Business development

Terminal Portuario de Guayaquil (TPG) in Ecuador, a subsidiary of SAAM Puertos, held a ceremony recently to inaugurate several port upgrades.


These works included an expanded dock, additional dredging and reinforced infrastructure and equipment.

At the ceremony, Ecuador’s Transportation Minister, Gabriel Martínez, said: “The 660-meter dock expansion at Terminal Portuaria de Guayaquil gives Ecuador competitive potential to be on par with regional and global port growth.”

The CEO of TPG, Luisenrique Navas, added: “Times are tough for the world, but we know that foreign trade drives recovery and our terminal wants to place itself at the service of foreign trade, better supporting the entire logistics chain with a modern, efficient and safe offering.”

The modernization project began during the first quarter of 2019 and required a total investment of more than $16 million. 

Also, it involved expanding the dock from 480 to 660 meters and installing two dolphin moorings 60 meters from the northern and southern docks.

In addition, dredging work also concluded, bringing the access channel to a depth of 13.7 meters in low tide.