GLDD secures $118.8 million in new contracts

Project & Tenders

Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Corporation (GLDD) announced today the receipt of several major dredging awards totaling $118.8 million.


The awarded work includes:

  • Post 45 Contract 4 Charleston Lower Harbor New Work Dredging Project (Capital, South Carolina, $52.9 million)
  • Emerald Isle, North Carolina Post-Florence Renourishment – Phase 3 Project (Coastal Protection, North Carolina, $30.6 million)
  • Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project, Reach 3 Lower Stauffer Channel (Capital, Texas, $15.5 million)
  • Upper Yazoo Dredging Subcontract (Capital, Mississippi, $7.2 million)
  • Grand Isle and Vicinity, West End Beach Nourishment Project (Coastal Protection, Louisiana, $6.4 million)
  • Hudson River Maintenance Dredging Project (Maintenance, New York, $6.2 million)

The Post 45 Contract 4 Charleston Lower Harbor New Work Dredging Project consists of maintenance and new work dredging of material from the Charleston Lower Harbor to Hugh Leatherman Terminal.

This work is one of the final phases of the deepening project that Great Lakes began for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charleston District and South Carolina State Port Authority in 2017.

When completed, Charleston will have the only 52-foot deep channel in the Southeast.

Work on this project will start in the fourth quarter of 2020, with anticipated completion in the second quarter of 2022.

The Emerald Isle, North Carolina Post-Florence Renourishment – Phase 3 Project includes offshore borrowing of material and placement of sand over approximately 10 miles of beach in the Town of Emerald Isle in North Carolina.

Great Lakes also successfully completed Phase 1 in April of 2019 and Phase 2 in April of 2020.

Work on this project is estimated to begin in January of 2021.

The Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project, Reach 3 Lower Stauffer Channel work is the first segment in the harbor improvement project.

Project work includes the deepening of the channel to 53 feet and the widening of one channel section to make way for larger, deeper-draft vessels.

Work is estimated to start in the fourth quarter of 2020, with anticipated completion in the second quarter of 2021.

The Upper Yazoo Dredging Subcontract consist of new work dredging in the Yazoo River Basin in Tallahatchie County, Mississippi.

This project is a continuing channel improvement effort by the Army Corps to improve flood control in the Yazoo River Basin.

Work is estimated to start in the second quarter of 2021, with expected completion in the third quarter of 2021.

The Grand Isle and Vicinity, West End Beach Nourishment Project involves emergency restoration work on the severely eroded storm damaged shoreline at Grand Isle in Louisiana.

This is a high priority unique coastal protection project for the State of Louisiana’s Coastal Protection Restoration Authority and the Town of Grand Isle.

The completion of this project is set for the fourth quarter of 2020.

The Hudson River Maintenance Dredging Project entails maintenance dredging of the Hudson River, New York City to Waterford, New York.

The dredged material will be transported to and placed in an upland Dredge Material Placement Site.

Work on this project is estimated to complete in the fourth quarter of 2020.