Phase III of the Boston Harbor project on the way


Last week, New England District Commander Colonel John A. Atilano II visited the Boston Harbor Deep Draft Navigation Project in Boston, Massachusetts.


The site visit featured a boat tour and dredge views and presented an opportunity to introduce himself to the Massachusetts Port Authority partners.

According to USACE, the contractor has removed 10.7 million cubic yards of dredge material as part of Phase II of the three-phased Boston Harbor Navigation Improvement Project.

Phase 2 (currently underway) involves dredging 11.7 million cubic yards of silt, blue clay, till and weathered rock. The $122.2 million contract was awarded to the Joint Venture of Cashman Dredging, Inc. and Dutra Group in February 2018.

The Corps also added that they are looking forward to the start of Phase III, drilling and blasting of the remaining rock.

Phase III will involve removing approximately 200,000 to 500,000 cubic yards of hard rock.

This contract is scheduled to be advertised in September 2020.