Cosby Lake dredging deal for M & N of Alabama
Earlier this week, the Clay City Council unanimously passed Resolution 2020-08, awarding the bid for the Cosby Lake dredging project to M & N of Alabama, LLC., The Trussville Tribune reports.

“It is a resolution to allow the mayor to sign a contract for the dredging of Cosby Lake,” City Manager Ronnie Dixon said. “The low bid was M & N of Alabama: $486,920.”
The dredging project is expected to begin in July and be completed in late October. During that time, Cosby Lake Park will remain open, though the lake will be closed.
“The contractor will probably start mobilizing the second to the last week of July (and) start work that next week,” Barry Fagan of Volkert, Inc. said.
“He’s got to order a turbidity curtain, custom turbidity curtain; it’ll come out of Texas. That’s probably going to decide when he can actually start work is when that thing can be made and shipped here. But we’re thinking last week of July, first week of August.”
Fagan also added that the purpose of the turbidity curtain is to separate the work area in order to keep the murky water from the stirred up sediment contained and separated from any clean water coming into and going out of the lake.