Strand sea wall repairs move ahead
The City of Cape Town’s Mayoral Committee Member for Spatial Planning and Environment, Alderman Marian Nieuwoudt, visited the Strand sea wall last week to see how the temporary emergency repair works are progressing along Beach Road in Strand.

The City recently kicked off emergency temporary protection and repair works to two separate sections along Beach Road. These sections have experienced ongoing wave overtopping and undermining of the existing seawall over the past few years.
Construction of the new, long-term upgrade – Phase 2 of the new Strand sea wall, is scheduled to commence in approximately two years’ time, pending an extensive and open tender process.
A temporary repair at those two sections was urgently required to ensure pedestrian safety and prevent ongoing damage to the sea wall and a possible complete collapse of the road.
The temporary solution comprises a gabion wall, with a flexible scour toe in front (seaside) of the structure.
According to the City, this temporary intervention was the only feasible solution, which could be constructed within a short period of time, at a low cost and within the pre-approved conditions of the Environmental Impact.