Sturgeon Lake environmental project on display
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is seeking comments on its draft Sturgeon Lake Island Erosion Project Environmental Assessment released earlier this week.

Corps staff will accept comments until July 15.
The proposed project, planned in collaboration with the Prairie Island Indian Community; the Minnesota and Wisconsin Departments of Natural Resources; and other partners, would restore floodplain habitat and enhance wetland habitat on Buffalo Slough Island within Sturgeon Lake in Pool 3 of the Mississippi River.
According to USACE, the draft plan would use dredged material from Diamond Bluff and material near the marina in Sturgeon Lake to raise the elevation of the Buffalo Slough Island.
The island would then be planted with flood tolerant trees. Additional features include placing rock to protect the head of the island, a berm and 18 rock vanes along the eastern side of the island, said USACE.
These features are designed to restore the floodplain forest that once dominated the island, as well as create wetland habitat for migratory birds and other wildlife.