Protecting Dicky Beach from erosion


Sunshine Coast Council has submitted a development application to ensure a plan is in place to protect Sir Leslie Wilson Park, at Cooroora Street Dicky Beach, from the threat of future severe shoreline erosion.
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The development application seeks approval for a rock wall to be built in the future only if the current management option of beach scraping and sand renourishment is no longer feasible.

Although council is putting a plan in place now, there is no timeline proposed for the construction of the rock wall. Instead, the area and the site conditions will be monitored and council will respond once the current strategy is no longer considered to be effective.

Division 2 Councillor Terry Landsberg said that their coastline was an important part of the Sunshine Coast region and “council is planning ahead to make sure we can all enjoy our beaches, coastal parks and pathways now and in the future.”

“We’re planning ahead to sustainably manage and protect our beaches, dunes, coastal environment reserves,” Cr Landsberg said. “This means making sure our shoreline protection structures are in good condition and are resilient to climate change impacts.

“Our Shoreline Erosion Management Plan provides a 10-year plan to address priority erosion issues at specific locations along our 60 kilometres of coastline.“

A rock seawall already exists to protect the two private properties nearby. This seawall, approved by council and the state government, was constructed by property owners as emergency works following a series of erosion events in 2009.