Virtual meetings on Corpus Christi Channel Deepening EIS

Business development

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District, will hold the first of four planned virtual scoping meetings today for the forthcoming Port of Corpus Christi Channel Deepening Project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).


Additional meetings will be held June 11, 16 and 18, said USACE.

The proposed project, located in Port Aransas, Nueces County, Texas, is needed to accommodate transit of fully laden very large crude carriers (VLCCs) that draft approximately 70 feet.

The deepening activities will be completed within the footprint of the authorized PCCA channel width.

The proposed project does not include widening the channel, some minor incidental widening of the channel is expected to meet side slope requirements and to maintain the stability of the channel.

The public meeting will be presented online to provide information about the proposed project and to receive public input and comment on the draft EIS.