Update on the Levee Works in the Kansas City District

Business & Finance

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District has released an update on the progress made in their levee rehabilitation program.

Image source: USACE

As reported, there are 66 levee systems on target for repairs, some with breeches, some with other surface damage such as grass kill or scour holes.

The Corps currently has 24 contracts awarded with another 16 currently advertised for bids or pending award. Contractors have begun moving dirt on 8 of the 24 awarded contracts – this number is increasing daily.

USACE expects to advertise for construction all but five of the remaining contracts in the next two months, pending necessary project agreements. Most units have access agreements in place and project partnership agreements executed that is allowing construction to begin.

The five remaining systems requested assistance in December 2019 or in 2020.  On these remaining units, engineers will complete the damage assessment stage in May followed by design and construction this summer, reported the Corps.

The original level of protection is in place or has been restored on 38 levees, while breaches remain to be repaired at 28 levees.

USACE anticipates that contractors will complete many of the rehabilitations this summer and fall with some needing to be finished in 2021.