Carteret County Beachfill Almost Done

Business & Finance

Construction works on Phase II of the Post Florence Renourishment Project are to be completed by April 30th, informs the Carteret County Shore Protection Office.

Image source: Carteret County

Last Sunday, Great Lakes Dredge & Dock completed pumping sand eastward of the submerged pipeline landing situated near the Sea Dunes subdivision (a.k.a “Line 7”).

They have dissembled the pipeline string on the beach, flipped the elbow, and will now begin pumping sand and adding pipe towards the west of the Line 7 landing to complete the West Emerald Isle Reach, and therefore the project as a whole,” the county said in the update.

They also added that rough seas have caused a stoppage of work, but the crews will re-start dredging/pumping operations today.

Overall, the phase II will utilize 1,995,000 cubic yards (cy) of sand obtained from the Offshore Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS) associated with Morehead City Federal Navigation Project.

Phase III of the Post-Florence Renourishment Project is tentatively scheduled for winter 2020-2021 and will encompass Central and Western Emerald Isle.