WEDA 2020 Environmental Excellence Awards
Each year the Western Dredging Association presents Environmental Excellence Awards to outstanding projects at its annual WEDA Environmental Summit and Exposition.
In 2020 the awards will be announced on June 10, during the WEDA Luncheon at the WEDA Dredging Summit and Exposition being held from June 9-12 in Houston, Texas, USA.
Three Environmental Excellence Awards will be given, one for each of the following categories:
- Dredging for Navigation (purpose is to create or maintain navigation channels);
- Environmental Dredging (purpose is environmental enhancement, e.g., remediation or wetland creation); and
- Mitigation or Adaptation to Climate Change. This category includes dredging or marine construction projects that exemplify and implement the WODA Statement on Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change.
The 2020 Application Process and Criteria for the awards can be viewed on the Environmental Awards page of the Dredging Summit & Expo website by clicking here.